Steam Process Surveys - an accurate first look though The Boiler Consultant ™  window into your energy consumption and steam distribution process.


Available Steam Process Surveys


To determine the application feasibility and benefit of applying "The Boiler Consultant TM" to a specific  Boiler House, Combustion Systems Inc. (CSI) offers several survey services that vary in scope as outlined below. A proposal for any of these surveys can be obtained from CSI.

Boiler House Survey  - Comprehensive on-site testing and evaluation of all primary Steam Process Equipment and associated ancillaries.  Tests are conducted to determine efficiency and performance at various load levels. Appropriate operating personnel are also interviewed to obtain additional data.  Existing instrumentation and hardware is also reviewed for compatibility with "The Boiler Consultant TM"

Within 3-4 weeks after completion of the above survey, a written report of the survey results will be provided. All data obtained will be included    along with conclusions and recommendations.  The report will also include System Graphics showing the Steam System performance and efficiency obtained at each test load level. The System Graphics also will show the Steam Utilization Efficiency as determined by the Heat Balance calculated for each load condition. In depth evaluation of the Steam Distribution System is not part of this survey.

Steam Utilization Survey – In depth on-site evaluation of the Steam Distribution System to determine Thermal Loss locations and corrective actions needed. This survey can be conducted separately or at the same time with the Boiler Room Survey

Within 3-4 weeks after completion of the above survey, a written report of the survey results will be provided. All information obtained will be included along with conclusions and recommendations.  Graphics will be generated by "The Boiler Consultant TM  Software showing current Steam Utilization Efficiency and the results to be expected if the survey recommendations are implemented.

Upon request a detailed proposal can be provided addressing any specific needs uncovered by the survey and outlining what is required to implement "The Boiler Consultant TM" at the surveyed facility.


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